The SoCal Home — More Than Real Estate News
Around this time of year most begin to make resolutions. I think the idea is to resolve to be better, do better or accomplish something bigger in the NEW year than in the previous year. However, for whatever reason most fall short of keeping a resolution let alone achieving it! I for one have been guilty of it. #happynewyear #2019
How about you?
There’s a great book that helped me and my team really improve our success on achieving important goals and I want to share it with you – as sort of a Happy New Year After Christmas Gift. Before I share the book details, here is my TWO PART resolution to you and anyone you know considering selling the place they call home!
Part one: The Guarantee! – I will guarantee, in writing, the sell of your home for 100% of Asking Price or I’ll Pay the Difference.*
Part two: The Give Back! – We are still on a mission to raise $25,000 for Children’s Hospital. We do this by donating to them a portion of our income from homes we sell. As you know Children’s Hospital does awesome work in helping kids fight through and survive nasty life threatening diseases like cancer, Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, leukemia and others. They also lead the way in early diagnosis of Autism and rapid recovery from spinal cord injuries. Most don’t know though that Children’s is a non-profit, so they depend on sponsorships and donations to provide their world class care and keep costs for families of these beautiful kids to a minimum. So when you or anyone you know does business with is, not only do we deliver on our award-winning service, you can rest assured a very worthy cause benefits as well. #chla
The book I mentioned is The Success Principles (How to get from where you are to where you want to be) by Jack Canfield. This book should be on your reading list. A couple of chapters I recommend you read: Take 100% Responsibility for Your Life; Practice Persistence; Clean up Your Messes and Your Incompletes; Face What Isn’t Working; and Just Say No! If you read these chapters only, you’ll feel 10 times better than if you hadn’t — trust me!
In This Issue
Vol 4, Issue 1
January 2019
— Your New Year’s Resolution
— The NEW Year and Your Friends
— How Your Referrals Help the Kids
— And Much More
For the month of January, anyone you know wanting to sell their loft, condo or house — I will guarantee the sale of their home for 100% of Market Value or I’ll Pay the Difference.*
They outline the goals, I agree to deliver, if I don’t, I pay the penalty. Who do you know considering selling their home that would benefit from that kind of peace of mind? Just let me know and we’ll give them a call!
AND REMEMBER… YOUR referrals help the Kids…
Again, we are on a mission to raise $25,000 for Children’s Hospital. We do this by donating a portion of our income from homes we sell. As you know Children’s Hospital does great work in helping kids fight through and survive nasty life threatening diseases like cancer, Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, leukemia and others. They also lead the way in helping kids come back from spinal cord injuries as well as early diagnosis of autism. Last year alone Children’s helped over 1,000,000 kids right here in Southern California.
BUT, Children’s relies on Sponsorships and Donations to provide their elite level care and keep families expenses to a minimum. So YOUR REFERRALS REALLY DO HELP THE KIDS…
Who do you know considering buying or selling a home you could refer to my real estate sales team?
Not only will they benefit from our award-winning service, you can rest assured we are also donating to a very worthy cause.
I want to make it easy to refer your friends, neighbors, associates or family members considering making a move, so here are your options:
1. You can fill out the form with who you know considering a move.
2. You can go to and enter their contact info on line or forward the link to who you know considering a move.
3. Of course you can always call me direct as well at 888-240-2500.
Over the last ten years of helping thousands to sell, buy or lease the place they call home, we have met some wonderful, loving, caring people. People like you! And any one considering a move you send our way, you can rest assured that not only will they get the award winning service we are known for but a very worthy cause will benefit as well.
Thanks again and Happy New Year!
Corey Chambers, Broker Associate – Realty Source, Inc.
P.S. The story of this young person enclosed may cause you to look at your loved ones differently. It did me. Check it out.
Over the last two decades of helping thousands of families sell their home and/or buy another, we have met some wonderful, loving, caring people. People like you! So your referrals, those you know considering a move, that we help – you can rest assured that not only will they get the award winning service we are known for and the guarantee to back it up, but that a solid portion of the income we receive from the transaction will go toward a very worthy cause.
Again, it’s easy to refer your friends, neighbors, associates or family members considering making a move:
1. You can fill out the form with who you know considering a move.
2. You can go to and enter their contact info on line or forward the link to who you know considering a move.
3. Of course you can always call me direct as well at 888-240-2500.
Why I Support Children’s Hospital
I grew up right here in Southern California. Born right nearby at St. Francis Hospital. I remember when I first heard about a young person close to our family suffering from a nasty disease and getting treated for that at Children’s Hospital. It was then that I began to pay closer attention to the work they do at that hospital. Since then, I have learned that it is a collection of hard working health care professionals, most making their home right here in the Greater Los Angeles area, all coming together for a common cause. That cause is to help young people over come unfortunate health issues that life sometimes throws our way. Being SoCal native, I take pride in supporting in any way that I can the good work these people do at Children’s. My team rallys around our annual goal of raising money and donating portions of our income to help Children’s in their quest to heal young people when they need healing. My team and I are committed to providing outstanding results for buyers and sellers referred to us by our past clients. I have discovered that Children’s Hospital shares similar commitments to their patients. And since their services survive on sponsorships and donations we are happy to contribute and proud to support them.
Corey Chambers
Steep Learning Curve
When 7-year-old Evabelle was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, her parents found empowerment and support at Children’s Hospital.

Sometimes, the early signs that a child is ill can be so subtle, a family may not realize what’s happening—until later, with hindsight. For one family from Bishop, California, one of the first indications something was wrong with 7-year-old Evabelle (“Belle”) came when she stopped reading “Charlotte’s Web,” the book she had been immersed in. “We didn’t realize that meant anything,” says her father, Waylon. The next signs were more obvious. At dinner, Belle suddenly looked vacant-eyed, her mother, Jami, remembers. Her parents asked Belle if everything was OK at school or if something bad had happened, and Belle said all was fine. The next day, Belle threw up in the car. She was listless and constantly thirsty. By nighttime, she had dark circles under her eyes and “looked like a zombie,” her father says.
That night, Jami slept on the floor beside Belle’s bed. When Belle woke and started to gasp for breath, her parents rushed her to the local hospital. There they got a diagnosis they didn’t expect: Belle had type 1 diabetes (T1D). The news came as a mixture of shock and recognition. For Waylon, who had no family history or experience with diabetes, the diagnosis was overwhelming. Jami was, in a way, relieved—she had worried Belle might have leukemia. From the age of 10 until she turned 18, Jami had helped her father cope with his type 2 diabetes. “I knew how to handle this,” she says. Most adults are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, where the body has trouble utilizing insulin, a hormone produced in the pancreas that regulates the amount of glucose in the blood. For patients with Type 2 diabetes, the origin can be a combination of genetics and lifestyle choices. Type 1—the diagnosis more commonly seen in children—is different. In T1D, the body’s immune system attacks the insulin-producing cells (beta cells) in the pancreas by mistake and destroys them. The cells can’t produce sufficient insulin, and glucose levels rise. As in Belle’s case, someone with T1D can eventually get sick and dehydrated if not diagnosed quickly. Less common than type 2, T1D affects about 1 in 300 people. Jennifer Raymond, MD, MCR, clinical diabetes director at Children’s Hospital — who would later become Belle’s doctor—says it’s “completely normal” for families like Belle’s to have lots of questions and concerns when they first hear a diabetes diagnosis. “Their world has just been shaken up.”
She tells those parents three things. First: “There’s nothing you did or didn’t do that caused type 1 diabetes. We don’t know exactly what causes type 1 diabetes, but it seems to be the perfect storm of situations that results in the diagnosis.”
Second: “There is no reason you should have known this was type 1 diabetes.” And lastly: “Pretty much everything you wanted for your child before diabetes can still happen, and it is our job to help you achieve those things.” Raymond knows what she’s talking about. The CHLA Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism is ranked fifth in the nation in its field on U.S. News & World Report’s annual survey of the country’s best children’s hospitals. (CHLA is ranked the top pediatric hospital in California and No. 6 nationwide.) The Division’s expert team of endocrinologists, nurse practitioners, nurses, dietitians, social workers, psychologists, and other diabetes specialists routinely care for some 2,000 children with diabetes per year.
But before Belle’s family could arrive at CHLA, they had to get Belle’s crisis under control. The day of that critical diagnosis, Belle was airlifted from Bishop to a larger hospital in Reno, Nevada. Jami flew with her, while Waylon dropped off their younger daughter, 6-year-old Aurora, at his mother’s home, and left the family dogs in his father’s care. He asked neighbors to watch over their 4-H goats and ponies. Then he drove the 200-plus miles to Reno. “It seemed like someone had moved it farther away on the map,” he says. There, the family underwent what Waylon calls “a crash course in diabetes with a steep learning curve.” Over several days, the medical team in Reno stabilized Belle’s condition, though her blood sugar levels remained somewhat erratic. When her parents asked about getting Belle an insulin pump, which would deliver the needed doses automatically, hospital personnel said that could take at least a year.
The family went home to Bishop and began their new reality. Fortunately, they already lived a healthy lifestyle at their home 18 miles outside of town, hiking, horseback riding and waterskiing on a regular basis. They knew how to cook healthy food, and Belle preferred veggies over carbohydrates and sugar. Still, the way forward was unclear.
Then serendipity happened, in the form of Barbie McCoy, a client of Jami’s nail business who had become such a close friend over the years that Jami calls her “Aunt.” Barbie, who lives in L.A., said she had a longtime friend, Brooke Anderson, who happened to be a member of the CHLA Foundation Board of Trustees. Both Barbie and Brooke told the family they needed to see the diabetes experts at CHLA. Barbie opened her home to them.
The moment Jami and Waylon entered CHLA in June with Belle and Aurora, they knew they were in a different kind of hospital. As the parents prepared to meet with Raymond and a team of experts, “a nurse walked in with a bag of coloring books and took Aurora with her, so we could have a one-on-one conversation without worrying about her,” says Waylon. “They had everything wired down.” Within a few hours, under CHLA’s experienced care, Belle’s blood sugar levels were under control, and she and her parents were learning what they needed to do to move forward. The team equipped the family with the latest continuous glucose monitoring system, which saves Belle from having to do “finger sticks” to check her glucose levels. And they asked Belle’s parents how soon they wanted the insulin pump, which can deliver insulin based on each user’s personal setting, avoiding the need for injections. Then they ordered it—without delay.
Most important, the team gave the family added confidence in managing Belle’s condition. “No child with diabetes at any age is ever alone,” says Raymond. “Your parents and family and our team at CHLA are always with you. You can go home and still have a team of people helping you.” To Raymond, the standard of care is a simple equation. “I always ask myself: What would I want for my 4-year-old son? That’s what we provide for Belle and all the children we see.”
Armed with new knowledge, the family returned to Bishop. School brought welcome routine, and other helpers. Belle’s second-grade teacher sets an alarm ahead of snack time, so Belle has time to check her blood. Her classmates remind her as well.
Belle, who turns 8 in November, “has stepped up in ways I didn’t anticipate,” says her mother. Belle has learned to give herself insulin shots. She’s still doing the things she loves, like riding horses, scooters and bikes, jumping on the trampoline and reading. Sometimes Belle says, “I wish I didn’t have diabetes,” then looks at her mom and adds, “But I know you’re going to tell me it could be worse.” Belle hasn’t started using her insulin pump yet, preferring to give herself shots for now. Her parents are letting her decide when she’s ready. Both Jami and Waylon are grateful they’ve had the opportunity to get Belle’s care at CHLA. “It’s wonderful,” says Jami. “Awesome,” agrees Waylon. “Go there first if you can. This is what they do.”
Currently there is no known prevention for type 1 diabetes — no therapies that can alter the immune system and stop it from destroying beta cells in kids like Belle. CHLA is on the front lines of research as a member of TrialNet, an international network of researchers exploring ways to prevent, delay and reverse the progression of T1D. CHLA’s TrialNet team performs more than 300 screenings annually of family members of people with T1D to assess their risk for developing the disease and evaluate immune system modulators in prevention. CHLA also participates in three prevention trials for family members whose screening results suggest they have a high risk of developing T1D.
How you can help:
Refer your friends, neighbors, associates or family members considering making a move: or call us at 888-240-2500.
Refer a friend who’s making move. Fill out my online form:
*Seller and Corey must agree on price and time of possession.
Copyright © This free information provided courtesy SoCal Home Blog and with information provided by Corey Chambers, Realty Source Inc, BRE#01889449 We are not associated with the homeowner’s association or developer. For more information, contact 888-240-2500 or visit Licensed in California. Story and photos courtesy Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. All information provided is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. Properties subject to prior sale or rental. This is not a solicitation if buyer or seller is already under contract with another broker.